Why this website?

Posted on Apr 9, 2023
tl;dr: This website helps me to document and articulate my thoughts. It is a tool to sharpen my thinking, keep track of ideas and in the best case triggers some discussions.

I thought back and forth if I should start a personal blog (again).

On the one hand there is this inner voice that wants to write down and share my thoughts. On the other hand, such public writing exposes yourself to a lot of people out there and it is work that comes on top on the many other daily things.

Obviously the inner voice won - an here we are.

The motivation behind this website

I see this blog as a public version of my personal notebook.

  • It helps me to articulate my thoughts and ideas more clearly, as writing for a public audience forces me to think twice.
  • It documents my thinking and whats on my mind, so that I can recap later or just browse through the history of whatever I was on at a certain time.
  • It might also finds some interested readers and triggers some interesting discussions.

Further Reading